Bra-Making Workshop

Last Saturday I attended an all-day bra-making workshop (my birthday/christmas present), and it was amazing!  I've never done a sewing class before, but lingerie is complicated enough that I thought it would be useful to have someone hold my hand while figuring it all out, and I'm super glad I did.  Maddie did an amazing job, both with all the really fantastic details of the workshop (gorgeous space, delicious food, photo booth, beautiful supplies), and with making it straight-forward and laying the process all out.  I was lazy, and didn't take any photos of the workshop itself, since I figured it was all being documented, and you should go take a look here:

I was a bit rushed at the end, since my machine decided to freak out for a little bit, but over all I'm super impressed with myself at actually sewing something that looks like a real bra!  The fit is a little off, but I have some ideas as to how to fix that, so the next one will be even more awesome.


Susan Ashworth said…
Ok, we've now identified the item that is harder to fit than pants or a swimsuit. Very impressive. How long have you been sewing?
Laura said…
Thanks! As to how long I've been sewing, that's a tricky one to answer. I've technically been sewing since I was kid, but that was mostly hand-sewing tiny dolls and their clothes. I've had my own machine for at least 10 years, but really have gotten into it the last 4 or 5 years or so. Not to mention, having a dedicated sewing space the last 5 months has upped my productivity substantially, and I've learned so much/sewn so much more in that time.
Susan Ashworth said…
I've decided that learning to sew will be my retirement project. I still have a ways to go!
Amber Bockman said…
beautiful job! I ordered some channeling to make my first underwire bra, was it hard to figure that part out?
Laura said…
That's an excellent project! Sewing is one of those things that really just takes practice, so any time you put into it is definitely worth it.
Laura said…
Thanks, Amber! It wasn't too tricky to figure out the channeling, but you just have to be really careful to sew it correctly, so the underwire has room to fit in. The tiny seam allowances were really my biggest challenge overall, as I tend to be a little more slapdash in my sewing, but that's not really possible with bra-making!

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