2021 Make #2 - Knit gaucho pants

 Another quick win for early 2021!  At some point last year (apparently in May, but I seriously have no memory of when), I got it in my head to make some knit gaucho pants, like the ones that were all the rage in the early 2000s:  

I couldn't find a picture of them, but I had a pair of reddish-orange ones in grad school that I wore ALL the time and loved.  I believe I started with the True Bias Watson pants, my TNT elastic waist pants, and make them a little wider at the bottom and a little narrower at the top (again, memory is fuzzy, but I feel that's what it was, and looks like it based on my "pattern-drafting" below).  

Back in May, I had cut out the pieces out of a lightweight jersey knit I had bought from JoAnns, and started sewing them together, and then threw them in a pile for about 7 months.

I cut a pretty wide band (slightly narrower than the pants, but pretty close), doubled it over, and serged it onto the top.  

I struggled to get them cut evenly for some reason, but eventually got them the same length.  Overall, not a bad pattern, but the knit fabric was too lightweight and I wasn't crazy about them.  I'm also not entirely sure about the crotch fit - seems like some bunching there.  Again, since I cut them out so long ago, I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but I'll probably refine the fit a bit for the next time.  They were essentially my wearable muslin, so I don't mind that I'm not crazy about them.  Into the goodwill bag they go, but at least they're functional and didn't have to go in the trash!


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