Climbing the walls...
While not sewing or clothes related, I do have a project I would like to document a bit more than just IG (I'm getting a little over IG lately), so here we go! The past year or so, I've gotten into rock climbing, bouldering specifically because I'm terrified of heights, and it's been a fun thing to do together with the hubby, who has been doing it for years.
Anyway, our gym had this cool agility exercise set up for a while, which was a mostly symmetrical circular arrangement of holds that you had to go through in a specific order. John thought it would be fun to set something like that up at our house, because it doesn't take up a lot of room, but it still a cool little exercise. He ordered a bunch of holds and we were dilly dallying on where to put it.
I had a bit of flash of inspiration the other day, where I realized we have a wide open wall in our living room that is basically the only place we could do it indoors. Outdoors would probably be better, but we would have to make sure it was a sheltered location, etc, so indoors makes the most sense for now at least. The major issue though with having it there is that it automatically becomes a large part of our decor, and is literally the first thing you see when you walk in the front door, so we have to be careful about how to execute it. After delving into Pinterest for a while looking at indoor rock walls, I decided some kind of mural backdrop would make it look more like an art piece as opposed to gym equipment, so came up with a few different styles.
While the initial layout will be fairly symmetrical, we want to be able to mix up the hold locations, so I don't want it to be to tied to a particular layout of holds.
Starting with the most literal, I found a picture of holds mounted on angular pieces of wood, which set it off a bit and was a cool look. I want to use paint, not wood, but the general idea I think makes sense and is