Laundry Day - 10/14/14

This was just a quick, need to throw something on, sort of outfit, and I'm running out of clothes due to my overflowing laundry bins, so this is what I came up with.  Oh, and what I said yesterday about the stain-covering powers of black hold true today, given that I ate roasted red pepper soup for lunch, and now look like I bled on my shirt.  Unfortunately, my tide to go pen couldn't stand up to the power of peppers, and I just have to live with it.  Side note: I have never met the match of the stain-fighting power of the oxy-clean travel spray thing, but I can't find it anywhere anymore.  Has anyone seen it around?

What I wore:
  • ivory button-down
  • tan skinny pants
  • leopard loafers
  • gold hoops
  • yellow crystal gold necklace
Where I went:
  • work
How I felt:
  • comfy, but a little too casual
What would have made it better:
  • I think the pants are a little too skinny.  I prefer a straight cut, I think, but pants are my worst enemy when it comes to fit.  
  • 7


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